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Early Christianity

Religious intolerance in Christianity 2013 17 Jun
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I can not say, with absolute certainty that the best option for water baptism is the child or the adult, but I can safely say that we must respect the beliefs of everyone in this and in all other aspects of spiritual life. Christian faith is based on their beliefs and not "absolute truths." Certainly any Christian believes that Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life, for them, that is a truth with absolute value. But I do mean to relative doctrinal truths that claim to be "absolute truths."
Born from above or sinners 2013 17 Jun
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No man on earth can stop sinning as long as it is still motivated by his human nature.Why? This is because every man is a sinner in God's sight precisely because of his human nature. Sin dwells in us, in our genes, in our most profound structure. I don’t refer here to facts considered criminal or offensive by the society, which are also sins in God’s eyes, because all this can be prevented by education. There are many citizens all over the world, who never performed any crimes or offences, in their entire life. Nevertheless, this time I want to…
Turning to Christ 2013 17 Jun
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I advocate a return to Christ, not only to the Bible, not just to the first Christian communities, the so-called apostolic Church. Why? I found that it takes a continuation of the Reformation, a New Reformation even, in order to deepen what others, in the past have started. Luther, Calvin, Zwingli and others reacted correctly to the development of Christianity in its almost one and a half millennia of history.
Model of the first Christian communities 2013 17 Jun
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The distinction between institutional and non institutional Christianity, consists in the factthat, in the early Christian Church, the spiritual element was more present than the institutional one. It was a time when the institution was not there, it only started to be formed gradually. The Christians were persecuted and their communities were based on the direct guidance of the Holy Spirit, rather than on the exegesis of the written texts of the canonic Bible.

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Credinta Crestina

Dumnezeu este dragoste, Nasterea din Dumnezeu, Instituția Bisericii, O singura Biserica, Biserica realitate spirituala, Trupul lui Hristos, Crestinism spiritual, Relativitatea doctrinelor confesiunilor creștine, Botezul în apa, Locul si rolul femeilor in Crestinism, Relația și experiența personala cu Isus (Iisus), Hristos Fiul și fii și fiicele Tatălui, Predestinarea, O nouă reformă a Crestinismului, Inspirația Bibliei,Interpretarea Bibliei, Semnul fiarei 666, Unicitatea Bisericii lui Dumnezeu, Despre adevărata Biserică a lui Dumnezeu, Despre cunoaşterea lui Dumnezeu, Despre moralitatea creştină, Locul şi rolul femeilor în Creştinism, Problema autorităţii în instituţiile bisericeşti, Teologia unităţii şi teologia ierarhiei, Apocalipsa: religia instituţională şi taina fărădelegii, The present with of the Church, Early Christianity, The New Reformation, Born from God, Faith without works is dead

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